Senin, 04 Mei 2009

cant wait to be a high school student!

weew finally i finished my final exam, UAN. I think its over and i just wait for the result. but thats not simple as i think. actually, i must do several step to be a high school student and thats not easy. the steps imust do are :
1. Do UAS. the subject include to UAS are : pkn, ips, bahasa sunda, agama, tik, kesenian dll. many people think that UAS is more easy thanUAN, but i dont think so. i dont like the subject that include to UAS, espacially IPS. i hate it so much!!
2. Do Ujian Praktek. I dont know about ujian praktek yet

After I do that steps, then I cant relaz and just waiting for the result. I hope that I and my friend can 100% graduate. AMIIN

Yeay and I can be a high school student. wihihi i cant wait for it